If your happy place is at the dinner table, we totally get that. That’s why we created products to help you find slow moments in a fast world.

Maple board collection

  • Maple Board - Short


  • Maple Board - Long


  • Maple Board - wide


The Essentials

We believe minimalism means more. More space, more time, more meaningful moments.

Our Design Story

We believe in thoughtful, intentional living. So we promise not to clutter your cabinets with one-off pieces you’ll rarely use. Our collection only includes items you’ll reach for every day. Because mindful living should be simple, not stressful.

Your Table Your Time

Our modern lives keep us in constant motion. But what keeps us moving isn’t always what moves us. Our time at the table is our pause button. Meals can become moments and moments can become memories. So grab a plate, pull up a seat, and stay a while

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